
If the shoe fits, wear it – today I am a flip-flopper.  (Omg, can we talk about how rife with puns that introduction was?! Love it!)

I flipped my breakfast and lunch, I flipped my schedule, and I can predict that I’ll flip out at the husband if he hasn’t put the freaking toilet paper roll up by the time I get home from class.  (Sidenote – I’m fairly sure Adam thinks there is some sort of mystical toilet paper fairy, as he seems completely unaware that regular old humans can get a new roll on the dispenser.)

My bedtime goal was a flop last night; I didn’t get in bed until after 12:00 and I tossed and turned most of the night.  The good news is that I’m extra motivated to try again today.  The bad news is that I was too much of a zombie to make breakfast this morning.  And wouldn’t you know it, I woke up extra hungry today!  Thankfully I packed my lunch yesterday.  Cucumber slices for breakfast, why not?

I also had some Garden of Eatin’ Blue Chips,

and a cheese and jam sandwich (Crofter’s Strawberry and Cabot’s 50% Reduced White Cheddar on Arnold’s WW Sandwich Thin).

Normally the fact that I devoured my lunch before noon would be an issue, but all of my afternoon engagements ended early so I was able to flip my schedule and come home before my night class.

A coconut mini macaroon with cinnamon cream cheese filling made its way into my mouth the minute I got in the apartment.

Followed closely by a coconut oat no-bake.

But then I did make some grown up food for lunch.

This was the best tuna salad I’ve ever made, true story!  I threw some onion in and it took this over the top.

1 can tuna (flaked with a fork) + 1/6 Sweet Mayan Onion (diced) + 3 Tbsp pickle relish + 2 Tbsp Miracle Whip + sprinkle paprika = taste sensation + kicking breath

On the side I had a sliced apple and some Club crackers I stole from the husband.

I’ve got to hurry back to campus for my night class, we have class plus a quiz and I hope both end quickly so I can get home and make dinner and my bedtime goals.  By the way – I got back my last two Nutrition tests; 100% (yay) and 85% (boo).

In other (good) news…. I sent Adam to school with two big containers of cookies and everyone loved them!

What do you put in your tuna salad?

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