Two Down, Three to Go

I’m 2/5 done with hell week!  I got a B(ish) on my 100 test – booooo – and probably a 100% on my 110 quiz.  Right now I’m poised for a D (or less!) on the next three so I can’t talk.

Breakfast was a layer of Yoplait Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt,

topped with smoothie – strawberries, water, coconut water, and Original Amazing Meal (free sample, very nice, basically flavorless but added a bit of tang),

topped with gingerbread granola –


I actually made a breakfast that was good, but I couldn’t finish it because of a rain incident.

Energy drink before test 1.

Southwest Flatbread Sandwich from library cafe (corn, beans, cheese, chicken).

Gym was not as good as usual; I started to run and was so exhausted that I just couldn’t.  I wasn’t about to waste a workout outfit though, I pulled up some Bio notes to distract myself and did some incline walking –

  • 5minute walking warm up
  • 5minutes jogging
  • 20minutes incline walking
  • 3minute cool down



Serving of crackers with salsa.

Dinner, dipped in ranch.

Roasted yellow beans,

disappointing okra (it was so fibrous I couldn’t chew it!  I only choked down 1),

pizza thin, i.e. an Arnold’s WW Sandwich Thin with marinara and part-skim mozzarella.

Ice-cream sandwich for dessert.

I took this handful of the husband’s peanut M&M’s.  Then I put all but 4 back because I had just had an ice-cream sandwich and M&M’s aren’t even that exciting.

I have an Anatomy exam tomorrow, holy God.

How’s your week going?  Want to fill me in on any blogland gossip I’ve been missing?

7 thoughts on “Two Down, Three to Go

  1. I feel ya on the “being too exhausted for a good run” thing. I felt that way this morning but was sort of forced to do it since i chose to run to the gym..and there’s only one way back after that lol. It’s good you didn’t just pack the bags and head you got some studying done!

  2. Eeech! I don’t miss tests at alllll. Good luck with your next 3…you can do it!

    Also, I adore peanut M&Ms, I’d choose them over any dessert ANY day. I have a theory that they’re health food, anyways – so I don’t even count them as dessert. 🙂

    And I think I need to make a little pizza on a sandwich thin one of these days – it looks delish. 🙂

  3. I can’t believe the great looking eats you get at the library! Are you allowed to actually eat them there?? Clearly I need to start hanging out in college libraries!

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