Good + Great = Better

Today started off with a healthy, hearty breakfast.

A serving of Van’s Buckwheat and Mixed Berries Waffles with 2T maple syrup,

and a chopped nectarine on the side.

Perhaps not so hearty though, since I’ve basically been ready to chew my arm off all day!  We haven’t had peanut butter in the house for months (we can’t find the brand we like here) but I bought some yesterday to have for a recipe.  Apparently I missed it?

Yes, there was a lot of spoon-dipping going on this morning 😀

Adam wanted to go super early today so I ended up driving to and from school instead of walking.  My toe ring toe has been developing a callous so perhaps my feet with thank me.  We got out of class 30minutes early due to a fire drill, so that was good news.  And I was glad to leave early because I felt like my stomach was eating itself!

A rocking lunch is a great cure for over-dramatic hunger pains.  I stared with a So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt.

I think I might have a So Delicious addiction.  The carton came with great nutritional stats and a fun fact –

This yogurt is awesome because it doesn’t pretend to be “normal” yogurt, the coconut flavor definitely peaks through.  The vanilla scent was unbelievable.  And the texture; oh the texture!  It wasn’t Greek (that’s asking a little much of a vegan product) but it was soooo perfectly thick.

Really, can you improve on yogurt like that?  Hells yes!

Oh yes that is watermelon, and it was fantabulous!  This is the sale watermelon I lugged home the other day and it might just be the best watermelon I’ve ever had.

The combination was pretty much to die for.  Watermelon with yogurt easily takes down roasted brussels sprouts and joins my top 10 foods list!!!

I also munched my way through the rest of the Siracha Peas.

And since, as I might have non-dramatically mentioned, my stomach is eating itself, I’m off to find a snack!  The plan for the afternoon is couch + South Park, so I’m leaning toward the fries, popcorn direction.

Any fantabulous new food combos you’ve discovered lately?

4 thoughts on “Good + Great = Better

  1. The reason you might be so hungry all the time recently is that you aren’t getting enough protein during your vegan month! Make sure to get enough protein and fat to keep yourself full for longer! Sugar and carbs can be addicting and not very satiating, so they keep you craving more. Even as a vegan, it’s important to have a balance of macros in your diet.

  2. That yogurt is SO good. I love it. I didn’t try the vanilla kind, though – I will have to, soon. I haven’t had dairy in a long time, and I’m kind of missing yogurt lately. Thanks for th SO DELICIOUS reminder. 🙂

    Also, I recently dumped a carton of blueberries into a watermelon and chowed down. It was SUCH a summery, wonderful, FANTABULOUS combo.

  3. Oh yummy! Super jealous of all the so delicious products you can get there 🙂 Canada is a little limited as far as so delicious is concered 😛 Hope we get that yogurt over here, though!

    I love southpark 🙂 Sounds like a great afternoon!

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