Liquid Libations

Hello, hello, hello!  Lots of excitement ’round these parts today; some ends and some beginnings.  And lots of liquid calories, apparently, as my eats for today have been exclusively in the fluid form of matter.

What a way to start the morning!

I introduce smoothie genius – 3cups of frozen watermelon blended with a Simply Lemonade.

It was just so fricking good.  The perfect way to start the day that is the end of Sociology.  By the way; I got a 48/50 on my oral presentation and a 44/50 on the final exam – with the curve, highest grade in the class by 10points, that’s an A.

Since July’s class is online, I had Adam drop me off at campus in the morning so I could do my final walk home.  To celebrate, I even stopped at Starbucks mid-walk.

Grande, soy, iced, cinnamon dolche latte.  A drink must have at least 4 adjectives to be exciting 🙂

I literally walked from my 2.5miles of incidental exercise to some real exercise.  I had to be quick because I’m running late but I managed a pretty good work out.  22minutes, level 6, random, on the elliptical followed by 10minutes of arms, abs, stretching.

After the gym I stuck a straw in the 2nd half of the coconut water.

As soon as the husband gets home we are hitting the road to Ohio.  My parents are visiting my grandparents and since my grandparents are pretty much the coolest people on the planet Adam and I decided to drive up too.  I’m not sure what the posting situation will be, but I’ll be sure to recap eventually.

P.S. Random Integer Generator says congrats to #6 for winning my Peeled Snacks giveaway –

Cori, e-mail me ( so I can get you your prize.

6 thoughts on “Liquid Libations

  1. Umm I clicked on your post and saw the top of your drink and bolted into the kitchen put two bananas, strawberries, honey and ice in the blender….I didn’t even read anything. I just friggin had to make something that looked like that.

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