Full of Fruit

So far my meals today have been about the lower half of the food pyramid.  I tallied it up and realized that I’ve eaten six servings of fruit via breakfast and lunch!

Breakfast – eaten on the drive to school – was a tasty waffle sandwich.

1/2 a sliced banana, ~1T smear of sun butter, and a drizzle of maple syrup sandwiched between 2 Van’s Buckwheat and Berries waffles.

This was my first waffle sandwich and I think I’m a fan.  It could have used a bit of jelly though.

After class I got in my 2.5miles of incidental exercise walking.  I stopped at The Spot halfway to read and eat the first half of lunch there.  A bag of Apple-2-the-core Peeled Snacks,

and a bag of Carnival Mix Funky Monkey.

It was kind of an unorthodox snack, but the fruity mix of chewy and crunchy helped to keep my full while I worked.

Once I got home out of the steam I made a bowl of my new favorite.

A plain Whole Soy yogurt topped with watermelon chunks.

I want to give you guys an opportunity to od on fruits as well!

Peeled Snacks has graciously offered to send one of my readers an Organic Fruit Picks Variety Pack.  The giveaway runs from today until Friday (June 25th).  To enter to win –

  1. Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite type of fruit.
  2. For a 2nd/3rd entry – link back to this post from your blog and/or Twitter account and leave a comment telling me you’ve done so 

28 thoughts on “Full of Fruit

  1. OMG I love peeled snacks!!

    My favorite type of fruit depends on the season. RIght now it’s blueberries because they are yummy right now. Winter it’s usually apples, etc.

  2. Ooh, how fun! I’ve never tried the Peeled Snacks.

    Favorite fruit? Right now….fresh, local cherries! But I don’t think I’ve met a fruit I didn’t like 🙂

  3. I could LIVE on fruit alone. I have far too many favourites to name! Here are a few: sapotas, lychees, persimmons, mangoes, pineapples, peaches, plums, figs and grapes. I do love other Indian fruit (jamuns, bers, etc) strawberries, cherries, apples and bananas, too, so I have to say I’m just an ABSOLUTE FRUITAHOLIC!

  4. Fruit is my favorite food group (I think…at least in the summer). My favorite (right now) is watermelon, but overall – I think apples win. But they have to be CRISPY and CRUNCHY. None of that mushy/mealy thing…ew, those get fed to the dog. I love dried apples, too.

  5. Pingback: The Daze: Part 2 « Eatventures

  6. I read this post the other day, and totally did not see the giveaway until rereading now! 🙂 glad I still have a chance, I would LOVE to try these…

    my favorite fruit is blueberries. my favorite dried –> MANGO !

    I love your plate. I want one! 🙂

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