A Day of Firsts

In case you missed it, June is Vegan Month.  And what better way to start off the month than with a Green Monster?

This bad boy had 1 frozen banana and 1 cup frozen spinach blended with 1 cup of calcium + vitamin d oj.

Green Monsters were my favorite discovery during my two-week vegan stint in February, and I think they are going to be instrumental in getting me through this month.

Today was also the first day of summer school.  I have an online nutrition class in July, but in June I have to be on campus from 10:30 – 12:40 M-F for Sociology.  Here we are looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed –

And then during one of my five trips to pee before class started I snapped a picture of me looking nervous.

And right I was to be nervous, this is going to be a hard month!  My professor is funny but his lecture voice is really hard to understand and the syllabus is totally unclear.  I hate when teachers want to be all loosey-goosey with the due dates; tell me what I need to read for what dates!  Plus we are not allowed to have any food or drinks in the classroom?!

I had some business to take care of on campus and by the time I got home it was after 2 and I was starving.  I grabbed the first thing I could to tide myself over.

3oz of baby carrots,

and 1oz of yellow tortilla chips.

I was so hungry I was actually getting light-headed and nauseous.  Once I calmed down a bit I made myself a frozen meal as well, Tandoor Chef Vegetable Pad Thai.

The nutritional stats on this are pretty good,

and it is delicious!

It tastes just like tasty, authentic Thai food from a restaurant.  The pasta is the right texture and it is perfectly seasoned.  Plus there are pieces of spongey fried tofu that I adore.  I give this two thumbs up and highly recommend you try it, vegan or not.

I’m actually still feeling pretty sick so I’m going to set the alarm and see if I can take a quick nap.  I have to pick up the husband from the lab later and of course I’ve got some reading to do.

What is your favorite type of frozen meals?

14 thoughts on “A Day of Firsts

  1. OMG that dress you have on is TOOOOO CUTE!

    Okay – so day one and I’ve already been stumped on something. If HFCS (ie: Heinz Ketchup) okay? My iphone friends did some googling at lunch, but no one could tell me definitely. Thoughts? 🙂

  2. CUTE OUTFIT! and what a clever cup to put the green monster in!! green mosters need a monster cup!! haha

    good luck on ur first day of vegan month!!

  3. I haven’t eaten a frozen meal in I don’t know how long, but I LOVE Amy’s frozen pizzas! I have a cheese-less veggie in the fridge that I’m just waiting for the perfect swamped/starving evening to pop open.

  4. I am a frozen meal fan for lunches so thanks for the rec!

    I find that green monsters are never enough for breakfast, I always need something else alongside it or I’ll never make it to breakfast! (I calculated the cals and they are pretty low depending on what you put in them).

    Good luck with summer school!!

  5. I was just thinking how I need more green monsters in my life. And your nervous pic made me LOL, you captured it pretty well!

    Um, I would be super annoyed by the professor but no food or drink? Hells no.

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