Boston to Buffalo

We’re back in Buffalo!  I can’t help but be sad that vacation is over, but it always feels nice to get back home.

Our last day in Boston was our best yet!  I love ending vacation on a high note.  How could it not be though, when you start the day off with froyo?

This time I got chocolate malt, gingersnap, blackberry.  I only ate about 1/3 of it and the boys finished off the rest.

Then we hopped on the T and headed down to Grafton Street Cafe for brunch.

When we walked by on Friday we spotted Conan O’Brian eating there, so we were all pretty psyched about it.  Sadly, it ended up being one of our worst meals in Boston.  Still, it was fun to see Conan the other day!

We ordered Bloody Marys,

extra spicy.

And I had a piece of bread with butter.

Nikki and I also split a plate of fresh fruit.

For my meal I ordered the Veggie Benedict with roasted avocado, hollandaise on the side.

I can’t even tell you how excited I was about poached eggs when we sat down but mine ended up being so poorly done that they were more like hard-boiled!  I ate as much as I could manage because I was hungry, but I ended up leaving a lot of food on my plate.

Our next activity was 1.5mile walk (over a bridge and through the sun!) away so we grabbed some skim iced lattes for the road.

And pretty soon we were on the river!

We rented a 4-person canoe and spent an hour zig-zagging around.

It was so much fun and such a good arm workout!  I was in the front of the boat so my steering duties left my shoulder muscles burning!

After we walked back to the city we picked up our car and helped Nikki and Ian run a few errands before packing up and heading home.  We got on the highway at 8pm so we planned on stopping for dinner asap but we had basically no luck.  I ate a small serving of pretzel m&m’s to tide me over.

But by 10:30 we finally accepted that the best we were gonna do was McDonald’s.  I tried to go as healthy as I could (480calories and no trans fat, btw) with a 6piece chicken nuggets,

and a fruit and yogurt pack.

Meh.  As much as I am a fan of the occasional fast-food meal I hate McDonald’s.  It was good to have sustenance though, since we pulled into Buffalo after 3am.

Today is so full of errands – unpacking, laundry, grocery shopping, school organizing – that I’m actually going to skip blogging.  I’ll be back tomorrow with the start of summer school and vegan month!

P.S.  Allison and I are doing Vegan Month in June.  Join us?

8 thoughts on “Boston to Buffalo

  1. that sounded lovely, a walk over a bridge into the sun; so fairy-tale like. oh and i noticed someone ordered a chocolatey shake or something in behind that delicious froyo u ordered- both look amazing!

    have a great vegan month! im not sure how ur gonn apart with those delicious chicken mcnuggets hehe.. just kiddin. well i mean theres great veggie meat mcnuggets out there too of course.

    xoxo have a lovely day.. even if it is doing errands ❤

  2. I love the pained look on my face in the canoe. Is that how I always look when I am whining (which means all day long)? Miss you.

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