Cheesy Baked Eggplant Casserole

Full disclosure – all brand name products in this post were provided by Newman’s Own and the Foodbuzz Tastemakers Program.  They also sent a Flip Cam for video-shooting.

The eggplant turned out perfectly.  (there’s a written copy of the recipe at the bottom of the post)

It was cheesy and rich and comforting.  The eggplant turns to *butter* (in flavor and texture) when you bake it like this!

We ate our servings with nice side salads.

An Italian Blend lettuce bag base topped with groats and 2 Tbsp of Newman’s Own Family Recipe Italian Dressing.

The dressing was a little more caloric than I usually prefer to use (130 calories for 2 Tbsp) but the flavor was great.  It was oily in a very pleasing way.

Speaking of oil, we were feeling a little unsatisfied after dinner so we drove to Wegman’s for a loaf of Garlic Tuscan Bread.

Confession – we used up our grocery money for the week already so we recycled our cans on this trip for the $!

We dipped our hunks in olive oil with spices and all was right with the world.

It’s almost Halloween!

I may not be dressing up this year but I’m still excited.

Cheesy Baked Eggplant Casserole, serves 4

  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Farenheit.
  2. Layer eggplant and tomato sauce into an 8×8 inch casserole dish; placing tomato sauce as the bottom and top layer.  You’ll most likely end up with three even layers of eggplant if your eggplant was sliced thinly enough.
  3. Bake 40 minutes. 
  4. Remove from oven, top evenly with cheese, and return to oven for 10 additional minutes, until cheese is melted and beginning to brown.

7 thoughts on “Cheesy Baked Eggplant Casserole

  1. OMG that is the cutest measuring cup I’ve ever seen! This looks delicious and I love Paul Newman (RIP) and his products too. I think I’m going to make this later in the week.

  2. Wow…you’ve got a strong upstate-NY accent! Or is it a St. Thomas accent? 😉 Seriously…did you pick it up when you moved here? Or am I just crazy?

    That eggplant casserole looks AMAZING. I’m going to give that a try!

    • Ha, I know! We joke that I sound like the mom from “Bobby’s World.” I’ve always had a bit of it (emphasizing my a’s in class, etc) but getting my retainers has made the accent much worse because I overemphasize everything. It’s not usually as bad as it sounds in the video but I was nervous and tired!

        • It’s okay, I didn’t think you were saying it was bad, *I* think it’s bad! I have no island accent whatsoever (though I did have a few grammar/syntax things I had to think about when I moved to the states). I do have a (rather strong) Southern accent that comes out whenever I’m very tired, very drunk, fake polite, or any combination of the above. When I waitressed during college I’d have tables from Alabama saying “you sound just like us!” 😉

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