Raw Oats and Raw Dough on the Road

It’s been a long day, but we are safe in PA and our new niece is gorgeous!

I ate dinner via tupperware while on the road.

Right before we left I mixed 1/3cup raw oats, 1/2cup Silk soy milk, a Siggis plain yogurt, 2T of maple syrup, and a bunch of blueberries.

It was very tasty but I feel like my stomach hurts every time I eat raw oats.  I’m so bloated now it looks like I had the baby.

Dessert was something I’ve been excited about for a while.  Remember when I said I didn’t miss anything during Vegan Month?  Well that was a bit of a lie, but what I missed was pretty ironic.  Lara Bars.  “But, Emily, aren’t Lara Bars vegan?” you ask.  “Yes,” I say “normally, but now they make three not-fully-vegan, beyond-fully-fabulous new flavors.  And when they sent them to me to sample during June I thought I would die having to wait to eat them.”  Enter Cookie Dough –

It couldn’t quite compare to the Cookie Dough Balance Bars, but barring (ha) that epicness this was the tastiest bar I’ve ever had.

Hope everyone else’s weekend is off to a good start!

3 thoughts on “Raw Oats and Raw Dough on the Road

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