Sick Can Equal Super

So I don’t know what the deal is with my tummy, but it turns out it wasn’t hunger.  I felt queasy all afternoon (I’m NOT preggers) and when I went to lay down I actually fell asleep before I could even set the alarm, Adam had to take the train home from work!  I really hope that it’s something random and I’m not getting sick because I don’t even know how I would deal with that with summer school.

We rescheduled our run for tomorrow and when we went out to pick something up at UPS we got dinner from Wegman’s hot bar instead of cooking.

I’d be lying if I said I’m not always excited about hot bar, even in spite of a tummy ache!  And tonight’s selections seemed especially tasty.

Wok seared veggies,

steamed broccoli,

roasted sweet potato,

and it turned out that awesome vegetarian meatballs from the other day are vegan as well, sweet!

In the end dinner was perfectly filling and super tasty, almost worth the bellyache.

When I got home I got straight to work reading for Sociology, and I’ve got to hurry and get showered and bedded so I can continue in the morning.  See ya tomorrow afternoon!

2 thoughts on “Sick Can Equal Super

  1. I hope you get better! I definitely felt like that getting pregger so I feel ya even though you’re aren’t. I totally would sit down and fall into a deep sleep before I realized it!

    Yummy vegan balls! That actually sounded really dirty.

  2. ive had random bouts of nausea that came form no where.. i get it every once in awhile.. ive been told it can be hormones..or stress.. or something. not sure.

    that dinner would totally be worth any belly ache…those little veggie balls look FABULOUSLY DELICIOUS! love the sauce on them!

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