Bed 1; Emily 0

I, of course, did not get to bed quickly last night.  Seriously, Emily??  I get so frustrated with myself that I can’t seem to conquer bedtime!  I did manage to get today off on the right foot.  When Adam left for school (7:30ish) I got right out of bed and brewed some coffee.

—With Silk Almond Milk and cinnamon sugar.  This was the last of the Archer Farm Cinnamon Vanilla Nut; it was ok, but I don’t think I’ll be buying more.  The smell was fabulous but the flavor was burnt.

I spent my morning reading the position paper that I’ll be presenting in November.  FYI – position papers are papers put out by the American Dietetic Association to clarify their position on a particular issue.  Our topic is the ethics of feeding and hydration.  I already knew a lot about the Terri Schiavo case, but it was really interesting to learn more about the ethical guidelines behind very young/old patients.  I met up with my group at noon to discuss, but first I made breakfast

I am super jazzed about that recipe; I came up with it just as I was falling asleep a few weeks ago and I think it ended up being super tasty and original.  Plus I would really, really, really like to attend the Foodbuzz Festival and this is one of the few contests where I feel like my entry actually stands a chance.

After my group meeting I had to do more transfer credit arguing, so lunch ended up being eaten in class.  A cucumber in Orgo,

And a Green SuperFood Berry Whole Food Energy Bar in Anatomy –

The bar was a free sample from Amazing Greens, and probably not something I would have purchased for myself, but it was actually really good.  At first the flavor is more “omg, are you kidding me?!” but a few bites in it turns into “hmmn, ok, pretty damn good.”  It’s sort of a grassy, nutty flavor with aftertones of fruit.  Plus for 210calories it did the trick of filling me up while I’m stuck on campus.

I typed post up in the library, and as soon as I press publish I’m going to go hunker down with some Orgo reading.  Hopefully after an hour or two of solid work I’ll feel caught up enough to go to the gym.

P.S. Voting goes until Sept. 23; if you have a second I would deeply appreciate your vote!  Or not, because I sort of feel like a creeper just asking!  🙂

4 thoughts on “Bed 1; Emily 0

  1. I’ve missed your blog. I have been the worst reader EVER.

    I want coffee so bad. I’ve been sick, so I’ve been drinking tea. All I want is coffee, though.

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