Hell Week But I’m Not Worried

Good morning, Monday!  I’ve got my own personal hell week coming up, and I fear that the blog will be neglected.  I wanted to stop by before the week starts to say hello goodbye.

Here is the basic deal, in addition to having both night classes this week:  Tuesday – 100 Test, 110 Quiz; Wednesday – Anatomy Test; Thursday – Anatomy Lab Test; Friday – Orgo Test.  Yikes!

Here’s what I am not worrying about this week –

  1. Getting up multiple, clever blog posts
  2. Scoring a 100% on all my exams
  3. Cooking gourmet meals for the husband and myself
  4. Running a marathon

Here’s what I am going to worry about this week –

  1. Posting once a day to give myself a routine
  2. Not failing my exams, and doing a job I’m proud of
  3. Helping the husband make sure we have some healthy food available
  4. Getting in at least 4 (small) work-outs before next Sunday

What aren’t you going to worry about this week?

One thought on “Hell Week But I’m Not Worried

  1. I am worried about school work and grading. I also have some problem students. Wah, wah. Hope your week runs as smoothly as possible.

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