No Labor Day

Guess how much work I got done today?!  Actually, please don’t 😦  I knew that the back to school transition was going to be rough, and so far it has been.

I actually don’t have a post today – my camera was charging while I was eating – but I do have a question:

My camera has an ok battery life, but it’s stopped showing the remaining power so it dies instead of me recharging when it gets low (that wasn’t the question, just the backstory).  Does anyone else have the Sprint EVO 4G?  Do you have any tips about using the camera phone to take blogworthy pictures?  Thank you!

3 thoughts on “No Labor Day

  1. its so stressful getting back into the groove and im really sorry that the transitions taking a lot out of you. at least u know its bound to settle down sooner or later. take it easy love, and also, sorry about your camera. rough is a good word to use in ur situation 😦

  2. I have Verizon not Sprint so I can’t help you on this one.
    Maybe you will get into the school groove now that the weather is fall-ish? You are my inspiration for (maybe!) going back to school to be a RD so get to it LOL! Another blogger that inspires me is Kath Eats Real Food ( Do you read her blog? She just graduated with her degree!

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